Why Daily Quiet Time?
In primary school, my teachers, Ms. Wong and Ms. Teo, organized weekly sessions filled with engaging activities and Bible stories. Through their dedication, I came to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior in 1976 at an Inter-School Christian Fellowship (ISCF) camp organized by Scripture Union Singapore. I am deeply grateful for spiritual mentors like Uncle Charlie Tan and Elder Yap Pow Thong, who instilled in me the discipline of doing Quiet Time daily.
Engaging in Quiet Time at school led to daily gatherings with fellow Christians to read God’s Word. It started with my classmate Kenneth, and as others grew curious, we invited them to join us. Seven accepted Christ, and what began as a personal 15-minute devotion transformed into a class Christian Fellowship.
Quiet Time—reading the Bible and praying daily—is the foundation of discipleship. It is a simple yet powerful practice that strengthens our faith and allows us to influence others for Christ. I pray that this platform will encourage you to develop the habit of spending time alone with God daily and that, through your devotion, you will inspire others to do the same.
May you treasure God’s Word, hide it in your heart, and let it guide your steps.
"Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." (Psalm 119:105)
30-Day Quiet Time Guide for New Believers
The 30-day Quiet Time guide is designed for new believers to deepen their faith, know whom they believe in, and build a foundation in essential spiritual disciplines.
Anchored In Christ - Galatians
The Book of Galatians emphasizes anchoring our faith in Christ alone, rejecting legalism, and embracing grace, freedom, and the transformative power of the Spirit for righteous living.
Your Heart Matters - 1 Samuel
The Book of 1 Samuel reveals that God values hearts fully devoted to Him, highlighting themes of faith, obedience, and His sovereignty through Samuel, Saul, and David’s lives.