Equipping Students, Empowering Generations

As I prepared this note, a familiar song came to mind—"It Only Takes a Spark."

At first, I thought about how students can be the ones to create this spark, setting their schools ablaze with the love of Christ. But as I reflected deeper, I realized the spark starts with uspastors and leaders.

We, as pastoral leaders, carry the power to ignite a movement. Our role is not just to preach and teach, but to commission and empower. The Great Commission is clear: "Go and make disciples of all nations." And this call extends beyond the church walls—it must reach every place where our members are sent:

  • Students in their schools

  • Soldiers in their military camps

  • Working adults in the marketplace

The ISCF movement is a bridge, not an owner. We do not gather students together and appoint leaders over them. Instead, the movement is about students themselves—commissioned by their churches—taking ownership to gather Christian students in their schools and start a Christian Fellowship movement. A movement rooted in:

  • Daily Quiet Time

  • Prayer

  • Evangelism

  • Fellowship

We must resist the temptation to centralize control. Instead, we must release students into their calling, empowering them to take ownership of their schools as their mission field.

A Call to Action: Equipping, Not Controlling

Too often, we hold back our members, believing they are not ready. But let me ask you—when will they ever be ready?

Jesus didn’t wait until His disciples were fully trained before sending them out. He sent them out to experience, to grow, to learn. This mirrors the Kolb Experiential Learning Model, which doesn’t begin with concepts or training alone. Instead, it:

  1. Creates a platform for real-life experiences

  2. Encourages growth through reflection

  3. Equips with biblical principles that can be applied in life

This is exactly how the ISCF movement serves as a bridge-builder for churches. ISCF does not replace the role of the church—instead, it exists to support churches in equipping students to grow from disciples to disciple-makers. The movement provides:

  • A platform for students to lead in their schools

  • A network of churches working together

  • Training and equipping for students to be confident in their faith

Will You Light the Spark?

Pastoral leaders have a pivotal role in shaping this generation. The question is—will you hold back, or will you send them forth?

The ISCF movement is not just another ministry—it is an opportunity to release the next generation into their calling. We want to see revival in our schools, cities, and nation. Winning youths, starts with winning in schools. We must be willing to light the spark and let it spread.

It only takes a spark—but that spark begins with you, to commission and empower your youths to spark up their schools.


Yoong Fook Loy

Fook Loy is the Overseer of the Inter-School Christian Fellowship Movement. He serves as Secretary and Council member in Scripture Union Singapore. He attends Riverlife Church. He holds a Grad-Diploma in Christian Theology with TCA.