Equipping Students, Empowering Generations

Engaging Churches

The schools are mission fields where our Christian students can sow seeds of faith. The ISCF Movement seeks to partner with churches, rallying them to come together as one body in Christ and release their youth to be discipled as salt and light in the world. Guided by the Bible, these students are equipped to live out their faith through their conduct and testimony, shining brightly in their schools. By uniting Christian students, we can pool our resources effectively, ensuring a stronger, more impactful witness rather than scattering our efforts. Together, we can inspire and empower the next generation to transform their schools for Christ.

Equipping Students

Students are often ready and eager when challenged, demonstrating a remarkable capacity to learn through action. Equipping them involves establishing a strong foundation in essential Christian practices such as reading the Bible, prayer, evangelism, and fellowship, fostering habits that will guide them throughout their lives. The ISCF Movement provides a nurturing platform where Christian students can grow in faith and maturity. It is about helping them embrace God’s Word as their guiding light, making it a lamp to their feet and a light to their path (Psalm 119:105).

Empowering Generations

The ISCF Movement embodies the principle of students leading students, echoing the Apostle Paul’s encouragement to his disciple Timothy: “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12). In the same way, we challenge our Christian students to step out in faith—to study the Bible, to exhort one another, and to teach each other—growing together in Christlikeness and becoming a light to those around them.

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